Smart Helmet

Smart Helmet

Smart Helmet

Smart Helmet










Is the AURA helmet waterproof?

Is the AURA helmet waterproof?

Is the AURA helmet waterproof?

How can I charge my AURA helmet's battery?

How can I charge my AURA helmet's battery?

How can I charge my AURA helmet's battery?

What is the lifespan of the battery?

What is the lifespan of the battery?

What is the lifespan of the battery?

How long does the battery last?

How long does the battery last?

How long does the battery last?

What certifications does AURA have? Is it safe?

What certifications does AURA have? Is it safe?

What certifications does AURA have? Is it safe?

Is the Magnetic Buckle strong?

Is the Magnetic Buckle strong?

Is the Magnetic Buckle strong?

What colors does the AURA Smart Helmet come in?

What colors does the AURA Smart Helmet come in?

What colors does the AURA Smart Helmet come in?

Does AURA have Crash Detection? How does it work?

Does AURA have Crash Detection? How does it work?

Does AURA have Crash Detection? How does it work?

What is Mips?

What is Mips?

What is Mips?

How much does the AURA helmet weigh?

How much does the AURA helmet weigh?

How much does the AURA helmet weigh?

Is the AURA helmet ventilated?

Is the AURA helmet ventilated?

Is the AURA helmet ventilated?

Does the AURA Smart Helmet come with Mips?

Does the AURA Smart Helmet come with Mips?

Does the AURA Smart Helmet come with Mips?




User Manual

User Manual

User Manual

Last update:

Last update:

15 January, 2024.

15 January, 2024.

  • FARO Smart Helmet

    Safety & syle for the city.

  • AURA Smart Helmet

    E-bike certified safety.


    Pack your light.

  • Smart Light

    The ultimate bike lights.

  • Navigation Remote

    Signal your intentions.

  • App

    The digital side of our products.

    Coming soon

  • Speed Visor

    Magnetic eye protection.

    Coming soon

  • Bottle

    On the go hydration.

  • FARO Smart Helmet

    Safety & syle for the city.

  • AURA Smart Helmet

    E-bike certified safety.


    Pack your light.

  • Smart Light

    The ultimate bike lights.

  • Navigation Remote

    Signal your intentions.

  • App

    The digital side of our products.

    Coming soon

  • Speed Visor

    Magnetic eye protection.

    Coming soon

  • Bottle

    On the go hydration.